Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Your body needs much more care

It is never too late for your body to get the necessary form. You should work on your appearance throughout the year. You will feel healthier and more comfortable. You are sure in panic just before the summer arrives, and workout and eat healthy only that period. Get into a new habit. Your body needs much more care.
Yes, your body looks tight. But there are parts of the fat you want to get rid of. Few tricks, and you will solve this problem with ease. Try to use these 8 tips more often!
1. The more practice a particular exercise, the more your body adapts to it and burn fewer calories. Surprise the body! If your favorite activity is running, sprint for 2 minutes, then slowly start jogging for few minutes, and start sprinting again. If your favorite exercise is walking, walk 5 minutes, then slowly run for 5 minutes, then walk again.

2. Exercise with weights. Exercising with weights is not just for men! It's also recommended if you want to burn fat. While training, the muscle mass of the body burns much more calories than burning the fat without using muscle power.
3. Consume dairy products. Dairy products are rich in calcium, and calcium reminds the body to get rid of the extra fat sooner.
4. Eat foods rich in vitamin C. Nutritionists recommend consuming food which contains more vitamin C, as it burns the fat faster. You should include this fruits and vegetables in your nutrition:
Fruit: lemon, grapefruit, lime, watermelon, apples.
Vegetables: red peppers, broccoli, cabbage.
5. Drink a cup of green tea before exercise. Green tea will speed up your metabolism, so during physical activity, you'll increase the number of burned calories, thus burning more fat.
6. Spicy up your meals. Spicy your food with cinnamon and accelerate your metabolism with peperoni. In both cases, you will be able to make your metabolism run faster.
7. Never starve! When hungry, your body does everything in his power to survive and starts to store fat in areas to survive the "crisis" period. Better eat little, but more times during the day, instead of 2-3 big meals.
8. Say YES! to meditation or other relaxation techniques. Stress is one of the biggest causes of abdominal fat.

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