Monday, September 1, 2008

Gov Palin IS FULL OF $#%&

Sarah Palin was not pregnant with child.

Her sixteen year-old daughter was.

Checking with the Anchorage High School that Bristol Palin attended, reporters were given word that her family had taken Bristol out of school due to contracting infectious mononucleosis. The amount of time Bristol was absent shifts from five to eight months.

Mono can last anywhere from two weeks to three months, but an eight month infection is a freak oddity. Yet it remains a common excuse given by girls in private & Catholic schools around the nation when pregnancy comes into play. Not the first time, not the last time.

The following photograph of Bristol has been dated late 2007:

And the following photograph was printed in the Anchorage Daily News, on March 9th:

Bristol is pregnant in these pictures. She is not carrying belly fat, which grows outwardly wide, and does not become dome-shaped. That's because fat is generally evenly distributed around the abdomen and a fetus is not. Bristol's chest is sticking out, a normal body reaction when sucking in stomach muscles.

Here is the GOV, seven months pregnant, three days after her official announcement: THAT SHE HERSELF WAS PREGNANT YEA RIGHT!!!!!!!!


Bristol Palin is not pregnent. She is still chubby from her first baby Trig.

Bristol is the mother of Trig, kept it secret by being out of school for several months with a coverup story of “mono”.

Governor Palin orchestrated a elaborate ruse to make it appear she was pregnant, even wearing a pregnancy suit the last month. Staffers were shocked when she announced her pregnancy.

Bristol went into labor and sent Mom the message, Gov. Palin was in Tex at an oil conference at the time and flew home , while she was in labor, which is very unusual, especially with a high risk pregnancy.(give me a break a mother of a down syndrome baby would have never flown from alaska to texas in her last month of pregnancy.) Gov Palin got home in time to deceive us into thinking she gave birth to Trig, but in truth it was Bristol who gave birth to Trig.

Now to avoid the truth, they are saying Bristol is pregant now….I bet she is not and we will hear she had a miscarriage or something like that. If she does have the baby, We apologize and wish them well, but if not I will never trust Palin.

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